Julia package ecosystem

This course will introduce you to the julia programming language as well as version control using git.


Latest stable version of julia, atom and jupyter ( optionally nteract ).


Setup Download files required for the lesson
10:00 1. Finding Packages How to find the right package?
10:20 2. Unitful.jl How to compute with units in julia?
10:40 3. Measurements.jl How to deal with uncertainties in julia?
11:00 4. ForwardDiff.jl What is autodifferentiation?
11:20 5. Coffee Break Break
11:35 6. DifferentialEquations.jl How to solve differential equations in julia?
12:15 7. Lunch Break Break
13:15 8. Plots.jl How dooes plotting work in julia?
13:55 9. DataFrames.jl How can tabular data be processed?
14:25 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.